By Anthony Kiniyalocts

elementary Dark theme

Interested in a Dark theme for Pantheon-Terminal, Totem/Audience, and the private browsing instance of Midori?
Well you, my friend, have come to the right place!

This can be enabled with a few clicks of the mouse and a minimal amount of terminal work, thanks to a script.

Let's get the ball rolling by performing some obligatory backup work (in case you ever want to revert).

Open up a new Files window and navigate to /usr/share/themes/elementary.
Select the gtk-3.0 folder and copy it to your home directory (or where you like to keep your backups)

If for some reason you wish to revert back to the default theme, simply open 'Files' as an administrator, navigate to (/usr/share/themes/elementary) and delete the folder (gtk-3.0). Then copy and paste the folder we just backed up (gtk-3.0)to (/usr/share/themes/elementary) and select replace when prompted. Then login and log back out for the theme to take effect.

Now, time for the fun stuff.
  1. Grab the elementary Dark theme from here
  2. Extract it to your home folder
  3. Navigate to your home folder and open the 'elementary_dark' folder (the folder we just extracted)
  4. Open up terminal (don't be scared, she won't bite) and enter the following commands:
cd /home/[YOUR_USERNAME]/elementary_dark
chmod 755
sudo sh ./
And that's it! Login and logout for the theme to take effect! (This allows Gala to restart.)

Here are the final results:
Time to assign credit where credit is due. I did not design these themes, I merely wrote the script and packaged everything together. These files were given to me by +Sajith Edirisingne, so extend your thanks to him and anyone else unmentioned in the elementary community who worked towards this theme.

There has been quite a bit of buzz surrounding a 'Dark' theme for elementary OS. To clear up some of those rumors, I shot +Cassidy James (the community manager, lead writer, UX designer, and council member of elementary) an email and asked him what the plans were for the 'Dark' theme.

Below is Cassidy's response,

"The idea behind dark themes is that pro and/or media-centric apps would use them. For example, both an image viewer and an audio production app might sport a dark theme so the user can focus on the image being viewed or the sound being manipulated. We're currently planning to officially support dark themes for the L+1 release."

This made a lot of sense to me, and I personally cannot wait until the official themes are released.

Luckily for the impatient, we have this wonderful theme to hold us over!