What's Next? Isis!

After the release of Luna, some of us may have sat back and watched the amazing reviews roll in. But the elementary team is already back at it. So what's in store after Luna? The next release will be named Isis after the Egyptian mother-goddess whose popularity continued well into the Greco-Roman period. Keeping the theme of mythic goddesses, the elementary team may wish to draw parallels between the primacy and strength of Isis or the beauty of her femininity. Or maybe the name just...
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Top Things To Do After Installing Luna

After elementary OS Luna has been officially released, a surge of new eOS users has arrived, and we are here to help. Everyone, including me, loves a "Top Things To Do After Installing..." list, so let's get you started. UPDATE After you have a freshly installed copy of elementary OS Luna at your hand, the first thing you should do is check for updates. You can either use the Update Manager by clicking on Applications (located on the top left corner) and looking for it there, or by opening your...
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eNumix uTouch Icon Theme

The famous and gorgeous icon theme Numix uTouch from Deviantart user me4oslav with over 245 icons has been modified by us to work with elementaryOS Luna. We dig it's style and love how complete it feels with the large collection of application icons. It is now available through the Community PPA, if you haven't added the PPA, check out this post. If you have it added, continue installing it in the Terminal with: sudo apt-get install elementary-enumix-utouch-icons Apply the theme...
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Birdie Needs Your Help!

Birdie, our favorite elementary OS styled Twitter client, has started an Indiegogo campaign. It is trying to raise funds to: Implement missing Twitter features Make Birdie rock solid, without crashes and weird bugs Integrate and test Birdie on the most popular distributions, so Birdie feels great whether you use Ubuntu, elementary OS, Fedora, etc. Optimize Birdie so it runs and feels faster Create packages and repositories for the most popular distributions Continue developing free open-source...
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5 New Awesome Elementary Themes

Recently, Deviantart users kxmylo and rhoconlinux have been working hard on themes, specifically tailored to work with elementaryOS. We have added them to our Community PPA for your convenience. Let's have a look, shall we? Blue The Blue theme from kxmylo does not only bring a warm and friendly feeling to your desktop, it also comes with custom icons to polish this great theme. If you have the Community PPA enabled, simply install the theme with your Terminal: sudo apt-get install elementary-blue-theme Use...
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Community PPA Update #1

A lot has happened recently in the elementary community, so it's time for a round up. CABLE For starters, +Eduard Gotwig released a new version of the IRC client Cable, which is based on Sushi IRC. It brings visual improvements and a lot of bug fixes, like the buggy user list it used to have, with it. The newest version is available through the Community PPA, and can be installed with: sudo apt-get install cable elementary Tweaks Elementary Tweaks has gone through a lot of changes....
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Safely use Wingpanel Slim

There has been an uproar in the elementary community ever since +Heath Paddock introduced Wingpanel Slim, a Wingpanel hack that greatly reduces Wingpanels size and increases the usable space on the desktop. When Wingpanel Slim was introduced it brought a couple of problems: It replaced Wingpanel, making it rather complicated to switch back to the original Wingpanel, and it broke Galas Workspaces. These problems have been taken care of recently. I have packaged Wingpanel Slim, so it doesn't...
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